Systemically Connected

I’ve long wanted to try my hand at vlogging (video blogging). Not because I think I’m a natural spokesperson (I’m not, I’m an introvert), but because I like to challenge myself with something new and because it’s a natural step towards some work I’d eventually love to do. So here

Transformation @ 2014 Jane Waterman
Living with invisible illness

Life Interrupted, Again

I had big hopes for this year. I still do. However, the difference is those hopes have been modified from the impossible, unrealistic ones I had grasped for as I fled 2013, and have reformed as smaller, realistic, and somehow more magnificent hopes – ones that may one day manifest.

In back, Jane and Mrs Blackbird; in front, Annette and her husband.
Healing toolkit


Even as my world shrank over the years, it was enriched in many ways through the social networks I developed online. The impact of those social networks on my quality of life cannot be understated. Indeed, it was in one of my first online groups in 1997 that I met

First Snow © 2012 Jane Waterman
Mental health challenges


It’s been less than two days since my counsellor and Mrs Blackbird both agreed that I need to take a month’s stress leave to buffer my depression, but I already feel like the ice beneath the fine powder of yesterday’s first snow – cracking. Having to take ‘stress leave’ is

Spectres @ 2013 Jane Waterman
Living with invisible illness


After so many years of battling with depression, it shouldn’t fail to surprise me that I can be so horribly wrong about its power and the lies it tells. I’d like to think that after so many years of fighting the good fight, I’d achieved some kind of mastery over

After Munch #3 © 2012 Jane Waterman
Mental health challenges

Taking Stock of Depression

I didn’t want to be here right now. After a year and a half of hell of dealing with a mental illness that wasn’t my own and dealing with the aftermath of that; of trying to get my abdominal pain resolved once and for all and getting partial resolution (which

Resilience @ 2013 Jane Waterman
Healing toolkit

Chronic Illness and Acceptance

One of the most difficult things I have encountered recently is not the challenges caused by life situations, or the challenges associated with health problems. The challenges that rock my world are more fundamental ones: ones that don’t require a chronic illness to understand, but ones that may be part

Loss @ 2013 Jane Waterman
Interior life

Illness and Loss

The main symptom of the disaster was the kitchen. For the past four weeks, supplies from the constantly aborted deck painting project mingled with dirty dishes, even though not much food was eaten. Food was a source of rough comfort when remembered: an accompaniment to the usual pain pills, and


Jane Waterman

Hi, I’m Jane! I create blogs, fiction, art, and adaptive yoga as I seek peace and healing in this strange and sometimes beautiful world. I’ve been chronically ill and probably crazy for 30 years, but I try not to let it stop me!

Please visit the about page to learn more about me and my hopes for this community! If you’d like to support my work, please visit my tip jar at or my ongoing creative projects at
