Breaking the Waves #1 © 2013 Jane Waterman
Living with invisible illness

A Day in the Life – February 2016

Do you ever have those things you long to get back to, but no matter how much you try to marshal your energy, it doesn’t happen? Writing in my blog is one of those things. I actually have written in my blog – since my last entry on Christmas Day,

Presence @ 2014 Jane Waterman
Invisible illnesses

Being Okay with What Is

Letting life be what it is at any given moment is not something that comes naturally to us. I was reminded of this as a student from my new chair yoga class (wow!) observed that I looked tired. I confirmed that I was, and she asked what I would be

Namaste © 2012 Jane Waterman
Healing toolkit

Beginning with Chronic Illness

I feel like I’ve waited my whole life to begin. In my young life, there were smaller obstacles: a lack of confidence and encouraging remarks, as well as the feeling of being different and sensitive in a noisy, overwhelming world. In my twenties, there came other challenges like physical and mental illness.

WAAD 14 Blogger Meet and Greet
Invisible illness advocacy

Meet Me at World Autoimmune Arthritis Day 14

I can’t begin to catch you up on where I’ve been lately. Mostly, it’s the continuing saga of a long string of challenges. I can no longer categorize these challenges as either “good” or “bad”. I’m either in a really Zen place or I’m totally shut down, or I’m a bit

A Little Rain Must Fall © 2012 Jane Waterman
Living with invisible illness

A Day in the Life with Sjogren’s

This post is part of the World Autoimmune Arthritis Day 2014 Blog Carnival. The theme of this year’s WAAD virtual conference is “A Day in the Life of an Autoimmune Arthritis Patient”. A link to the WAAD site follows this post. Blessings, Jane. A Day in the Life with Sjogren’s

Resilience @ 2013 Jane Waterman
Healing toolkit

Chronic Illness and Acceptance

One of the most difficult things I have encountered recently is not the challenges caused by life situations, or the challenges associated with health problems. The challenges that rock my world are more fundamental ones: ones that don’t require a chronic illness to understand, but ones that may be part

Loss @ 2013 Jane Waterman
Interior life

Illness and Loss

The main symptom of the disaster was the kitchen. For the past four weeks, supplies from the constantly aborted deck painting project mingled with dirty dishes, even though not much food was eaten. Food was a source of rough comfort when remembered: an accompaniment to the usual pain pills, and

Going Home © 2013 Jane Waterman
Living with invisible illness

Travelling While Ill

It was June 25th when I boarded the plane for Australia, where I had spent 30 years of my youth growing up. I hadn’t been there in 14  years. I hadn’t seen members of my family in 13 years (14 years in some cases). I wanted to do this, but

Eternity © 2004 Jane Waterman
Invisible illnesses


A watermark is an outline of the tide’s advance and retreat. In some ways I feel like I am part of that outline, lying at low ebb, among the beautiful broken detritus of the sea. These last weeks I have been merely functioning: meeting the very real needs of the

After Munch #11 © 2012 Jane Waterman
Invisible illnesses

Fit, Fat and Chronically Ill

I wrote this post back on January 6, 2013. I suppose like anyone who is considered medically obese, I get nervous giving an audience ammunition. However, I’ve let that fear go enough to believe this needs to be said. This post began as a quiet plea – now it is