Snow Labyrinth © 2012 Jane Waterman
Healing toolkit

Snow Labyrinth (for Clare)

I made a snow labyrinth in our garden today, in too-thin boots, with my bare arms to the world, while starlings, juncos and red-winged blackbirds chittered in the trees, waiting for me to relinquish their frozen world again. It wasn’t my initial design. I was just taking scraps to the

First Snow © 2012 Jane Waterman
Interior life

Outside, First Snow

Lately, I am happiest in those moments I spend outside. There is something about the chill air that shocks my system, pulls oxygen into my brain and makes me feel glad to be alive. There may be a scientific basis for this. At the moment, however, it’s an observation. It’s

Last Light © 2012 Jane Waterman
Healing toolkit

Walking Meditation

I’ve long known intuitively that walking in nature heals me. I woke late after a morning nap today (on occasion, my body demands further rest after rising, and I’ve learned to listen). I decided to go into the back yard to clean up after our beagles. This is not a