Going Home © 2013 Jane Waterman
Living with invisible illness

Travelling While Ill

It was June 25th when I boarded the plane for Australia, where I had spent 30 years of my youth growing up. I hadn’t been there in 14  years. I hadn’t seen members of my family in 13 years (14 years in some cases). I wanted to do this, but

Heart Song © 2013 Jane Waterman
Interior life

Emotions and Chronic Illness

I’m taking part in WEGO Health’s Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge Day 1 #HAWMC – Why you write – tell us a little bit about why you write about your health online and what got you started. Why do I write? My thoughts about my reasons for writing changed several

Bleeding Heart © 2012 Jane Waterman
Healing toolkit

On Blogging – From Catharsis to Hope

I once heard it said that catharsis, on its own, does not lead to relief from our sufferings. I don’t think I truly understood that statement until last night. In the small hours yesterday, I took the opportunity to blog anonymously on a writing prompt related to something difficult, and

Purple Heart © 2012 Jane Waterman
Living with invisible illness


Yesterday morning I felt grounded. I observed that I had moved to give up my fear of falling. I had taken a step toward mastering the shifting ground of my past. By the evening, the world had fallen down. Pain and self-doubt arose – the nagging fear that something was