Lake Mercuris © 2001 Jane Waterman

Thoughts from the Front Lines of Depression

As a long-time sufferer with depression, I can unreservedly say that helping care for a loved one in acute depression challenges everything you know and have come to understand and believe about the illness. Above all, I find my thoughts coming back to the same things. Depression is not a boogeyman.

Angel #2 © 2012 Jane Waterman

Dreams, Art and Invisible Illness

Day 24 – My own prompt: What dreams and goals have emerged for you as a consequence of being ill? “When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”

Spring © 2011 Jane Waterman
Healing toolkit

Moments of Joy

Day 23 – What’s something your doctor taught you or you taught your doctor? The, dare I say it, positive experiences I have with medical doctors (MDs) could probably fit on a very small piece of paper, so as I was trolling around my brain on a different topic altogether,

This is What Is © 2012 Jane Waterman
Mental health challenges

Depression is Not the Enemy

Day 8 – Write a letter to your health When I think of health, I automatically think of illness: a rather unfortunate side effect of having lost my health at the age of 24. To me, addressing a letter to my depression means personifying it. I’ve read a lot of

Sun Study #1 © 2015 Jane Waterman

Doing Too Much

The problem that arises when we try to do too much, is that we don’t leave any spaces for ourselves in the day. Many feelings arise, but mostly want – the desire to be cared for as we care for others. We need to make that space to care for

Living with invisible illness


I promised myself to write every day, come what may. Today I have been in high levels of pain, and unable to find much surcease. I can’t even truly tell you what I did today. I didn’t take a nap… I worked on some decluttering, but piles from that endeavour