Resilience @ 2013 Jane Waterman
Healing toolkit

Chronic Illness and Acceptance

One of the most difficult things I have encountered recently is not the challenges caused by life situations, or the challenges associated with health problems. The challenges that rock my world are more fundamental ones: ones that don’t require a chronic illness to understand, but ones that may be part

In the Shadow Lands
Interior life

Wordless Wednesday #2

I’m taking part in WEGO Health’s Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge Day 10 #HAWMC – It’s often hard to like pictures of ourselves – post your favourite picture of yourself. Though today is technically “Wordless Wednesday,” tell us why it’s your favourite and what it means to you.  Being wordless is

Love © 2002 Carmen Waterman
Invisible illnesses

Guest Post: Caregiving 101

I’m taking part in WEGO Health’s Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge Day 9 #HAWMC – As a parent with health conditions or parent to a child(ren) with health conditions, what do you hope you’re doing right? Today I’m thrilled to present the first guest blog post on Blackbird at Night, written

Garden of Time © 2003 Jane Waterman

To My Future Self

I’m taking part in WEGO Health’s Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge Day 6 #HAWMC – Write a letter to an older you (tell us what age you’re writing to!). What do you want to ask yourself? What lesson do you want to make sure you remember? I’m writing to my

Namaste © 2012 Jane Waterman
Invisible illness advocacy

Sister, Can You Spare A Dream?

I’m taking part in WEGO Health’s Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge Day 5 #HAWMC – If I could do anything as a Health Activist… Think big today! Money/time/physical limitations are no longer an issue. What is your biggest goal that is now possible? Today I woke up on the realist

Heart Song © 2013 Jane Waterman
Interior life

Emotions and Chronic Illness

I’m taking part in WEGO Health’s Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge Day 1 #HAWMC – Why you write – tell us a little bit about why you write about your health online and what got you started. Why do I write? My thoughts about my reasons for writing changed several

Breaking the Waves #1 © 2013 Jane Waterman
Interior life

(Not) Identifying With Being A Sick Person

As strange as it may sound, approaching my 23rd anniversary of being a sick person (I remember it well – the food poisoning, giardia or whatever it was that triggered the whole thing and led to me spending most of my 24th birthday puking),  I think one of my best

Lake Mercuris © 2001 Jane Waterman

Thoughts from the Front Lines of Depression

As a long-time sufferer with depression, I can unreservedly say that helping care for a loved one in acute depression challenges everything you know and have come to understand and believe about the illness. Above all, I find my thoughts coming back to the same things. Depression is not a boogeyman.

Blessings of the Season
Living with invisible illness

On a New Year’s Eve

I don’t think I’ve ever written a year’s review post, much less a resolution post, and I’m still not writing one. 2012 was a difficult year. Not the most difficult I’ve ever experienced, but difficult. During 2012, I learned that I still can be stunned and shattered by the events

Hanging Gardens © 2003 Jane Waterman
Healing toolkit

Unexpected Growth Through Invisible Illness

Day 22 – Write about change In a recent post, I talked about invisible illness and the process of subtraction: how illness whittles away at one’s health, work life, family, relationships/connections, and more. However, not all changes related to invisible illness are bad. I’m going to highlight some of the