WAAD 14 Blogger Meet and Greet
Invisible illness advocacy

Meet Me at World Autoimmune Arthritis Day 14

I can’t begin to catch you up on where I’ve been lately. Mostly, it’s the continuing saga of a long string of challenges. I can no longer categorize these challenges as either “good” or “bad”. I’m either in a really Zen place or I’m totally shut down, or I’m a bit


Systemically Connected

I’ve long wanted to try my hand at vlogging (video blogging). Not because I think I’m a natural spokesperson (I’m not, I’m an introvert), but because I like to challenge myself with something new and because it’s a natural step towards some work I’d eventually love to do. So here

Invisible illnesses

Canary In A Coal Mine

I’m taking part in WEGO Health’s Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge Day 8 #HAWMC – If your health condition (or the health condition of a loved one!) was an animal, what would it be? Is it a real animal or make believe? If either Sjogren’s or depression were an animal, I

Immunity © 1994 Jane Waterman
Invisible illnesses

Fatigue and Invisible Illness

There are many types of fatigue, some of which are unknown to those who have never experienced a chronic invisible illness. The first kind is the result of physical exertion, which generally leads to an almost pleasant tiredness, as it is often accompanied by the knowledge of a job well