Presence @ 2014 Jane Waterman
Invisible illnesses

Being Okay with What Is

Letting life be what it is at any given moment is not something that comes naturally to us. I was reminded of this as a student from my new chair yoga class (wow!) observed that I looked tired. I confirmed that I was, and she asked what I would be

Pain Study © 2013 Jane Waterman
Mental health challenges

Grasping for Answers

I have mentally begun this post for weeks, but a chronically ill life has a way of shaking loose any idea of control over one’s destiny. Anyone who has been ill for a while will understand what I mean when I say I’m suffering a bad case of doctor fatigue.

Garden of Time © 2003 Jane Waterman

To My Future Self

I’m taking part in WEGO Health’s Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge Day 6 #HAWMC – Write a letter to an older you (tell us what age you’re writing to!). What do you want to ask yourself? What lesson do you want to make sure you remember? I’m writing to my

In Memoriam © 2004 Jane Waterman
Interior life

Momentary Presence Amidst the Chaos

From Jane: I apologize for the lapse in time between posts. On March 1st, 2013, my wife’s mother died. It was 18 years to the day of my father’s death in the antipodes, so many miles and years away. In the following week, my wife and I helped her stepfather

First Snow © 2012 Jane Waterman
Interior life

Looking for Hope

It’s a bit of a rough time. I just spent some time outdoors in the chill air, which I love, and got to thinking a bit about my walking meditation of last winter. I thought a little about my dreams of the labyrinth too, but sensed the ambition too great,

Angel #1 © 2012 Jane Waterman
Invisible illness advocacy

Lucky Thirteen

Day 29 – “If I could accomplish one thing (anything) in 2013 it would be…” I’m prone to all kinds of superstitions about a new year. Many’s the time in late December I would make pronouncements to myself about the coming year, often with at least a couple of drinks

Spring © 2011 Jane Waterman
Healing toolkit

Moments of Joy

Day 23 – What’s something your doctor taught you or you taught your doctor? The, dare I say it, positive experiences I have with medical doctors (MDs) could probably fit on a very small piece of paper, so as I was trolling around my brain on a different topic altogether,

Hanging Gardens © 2003 Jane Waterman
Healing toolkit

Unexpected Growth Through Invisible Illness

Day 22 – Write about change In a recent post, I talked about invisible illness and the process of subtraction: how illness whittles away at one’s health, work life, family, relationships/connections, and more. However, not all changes related to invisible illness are bad. I’m going to highlight some of the

Soul Clouds #4 © 2012 Jane Waterman
Interior life

On Connection

Day 10 – Should people post about their (or loved ones) health on Facebook? Why/why not? Note: This prompt inspired this post, but it’s about so much more. Connection is important to us all, but perhaps more so to the chronically ill, who are often extremely isolated. Connection is a

Autumn Glass © 2012 Jane Waterman
Interior life

Mindfulness is a River

Day 7 – Be mindful. Write about what helps you stay centered in the present. In only seven days, I feel like blogging has taken me through the gamut of my experiences: through joy, silliness, sorrow, despair and hope. I’ve travelled through the past, explored the present and trawled the