Quanta #1 © 2012 Jane Waterman

Possibility: 4 am

The first month of my personal 365 day blogging project has passed. In some ways, it’s become a deeper creative exploration. I am enjoying painting with the computer immensely. Last night I’d barely drifted off to sleep when pain woke me up again. At 4 am I started painting some

Reaching Out © 2012 Jane Waterman
Healing toolkit

Reaching Out

These words are sent out into the world with love and compassion. I dedicate them to my wife and daughters. You are good enough, strong enough and beautiful enough. That doesn’t mean you can’t be tired, scared and vulnerable too. Those feelings are all a part of us. Don’t selectively

First Snow © 2012 Jane Waterman
Interior life

Outside, First Snow

Lately, I am happiest in those moments I spend outside. There is something about the chill air that shocks my system, pulls oxygen into my brain and makes me feel glad to be alive. There may be a scientific basis for this. At the moment, however, it’s an observation. It’s

Night Flight © 2003 Jane Waterman
Interior life

Life Cycles

So much of our daily lives revolve around cycles: rising eating working studying sleeping. No matter how many years pass, we like to think some intrinsic features of those cycles change. When our oldest daughter started at university, I felt so proud of her. However, I also felt afraid. Our

Interior life

Good and Bad

I wonder why it takes so long to feel compassion for the self? This was a difficult weekend in some ways. Sharing grief with a heart friend, and then joy with another, as she opened a yoga centre. I took part in many activities to foster both personal growth and

Quicksilver River © 2011 Jane Waterman
Interior life

Quicksilver River

Some days there are no words, there are just images that flicker in the darkness. However, even in the eddies of gloom there are such brilliant flashes of light and colour. I have to look a little closer, but find myself entranced, following sparks of light. Many fear darkness, and

Shadow Selves © 2013 Jane Waterman
Interior life


How strange the nature of the beast. You do all you can to combat it, but at times, all its victories pile up against the stanchions. Once more you feel adrift, treading water in the deepest shadows. Spoke to one daughter at lunch, who seems to be fighting her own