Sun Study #1 © 2015 Jane Waterman

Doing Too Much

The problem that arises when we try to do too much, is that we don’t leave any spaces for ourselves in the day. Many feelings arise, but mostly want – the desire to be cared for as we care for others. We need to make that space to care for

Balance © 2012 Jane Waterman
Living with invisible illness


I sit around making pictures at 2am in the morning because I’m no good with balance. I’m okay with that, sort of. When you work around an autoimmune disease, and work around the stuff that is as deeply entrenched in the mind as the body, I suppose anything feels like

Interior life

Good and Bad

I wonder why it takes so long to feel compassion for the self? This was a difficult weekend in some ways. Sharing grief with a heart friend, and then joy with another, as she opened a yoga centre. I took part in many activities to foster both personal growth and

Heart of Compassion #2 © 2012 Jane Waterman
Interior life


Movement comes in many forms. Some are apparent on the surface, and others buried in the subconscious. I think I experienced some of both today. I try to think of the words to share what I experienced, but I think I’m still processing. Part of my resolution to allow more