Storm On Jupiter © 2012 Jane Waterman
Mental health challenges

Theories of Depression

I’m far away from my first career as a physicist, but not so far that I didn’t learn a few things. In particular, when preoccupied with the search for a theory of everything and being foiled yet again, physicists discover there’s always another level of complexity that they hadn’t considered.

The Dreaming © 2012 Jane Waterman

The Dreaming

Today, every word, every brush stroke, met with judgement. While I enjoyed the colours meshing and colliding, there was nothing in those moments of pure creation that I wanted to keep. Nothing I judged worthwhile enough to commit to posterity. I suppose that’s okay too. I remember a time when

Quanta #1 © 2012 Jane Waterman

Possibility: 4 am

The first month of my personal 365 day blogging project has passed. In some ways, it’s become a deeper creative exploration. I am enjoying painting with the computer immensely. Last night I’d barely drifted off to sleep when pain woke me up again. At 4 am I started painting some

Reaching Out © 2012 Jane Waterman
Healing toolkit

Reaching Out

These words are sent out into the world with love and compassion. I dedicate them to my wife and daughters. You are good enough, strong enough and beautiful enough. That doesn’t mean you can’t be tired, scared and vulnerable too. Those feelings are all a part of us. Don’t selectively

Contraction © 2012 Jane Waterman


I don’t know if it’s a coincidence after yesterday’s ‘Conflagration’, but today I feel an often experienced need to contract within myself, to draw in closer for protection. Writing and creating and putting myself out there every day is likely a factor in this increased sensitivity, but for the moment

Conflagration © 2012 Jane Waterman

Facing Fire

This picture is not what I thought I was feeling. When I reach for the brush, real or virtual, I’m never sure what will appear. While my physical self feels more like a grey cinder, when I look at this painting, I wonder if that cinder is carried aloft on

First Light #2 © 2012 Jane Waterman


This is the colour of my imagination before it was asked to behave itself, take a seat, and sit up straight. These are the colours I feel most at home in. Anyone who sets foot in our house will attest to that.  This is experimentation with Artrage, my favourite computer

Balance © 2012 Jane Waterman
Living with invisible illness


I sit around making pictures at 2am in the morning because I’m no good with balance. I’m okay with that, sort of. When you work around an autoimmune disease, and work around the stuff that is as deeply entrenched in the mind as the body, I suppose anything feels like

Eternity © 2004 Jane Waterman
Interior life

Courage to Slow Down

Today was a day of contrasts, and this recent computer painting sums it up – the grieving heart surrounded by the energy of the new, the authentic, and the real. Where ‘real’ stands for anything I believe in, including the beautiful dreamer, and her right to lose herself in visions

Drowned World © 2012 Jane Waterman

Drowned World

Today was a tough day… one of those days when the energy is just not there. I had a bad night with little sleep, which didn’t help. Then I got up and did some work in the morning, but headed back to bed after and slept until 3pm. The pain